Confront someone with the fact that they are going to die and
they will beleive just about any story that tells them it isn’t true and they can instead live forever.

reminding people of death biases them to believe, regardless of the evidence

  1. Elixir
    science can cure death is just one more chapter of the magical elixir

  2. Resurrection
    can rise up and live again

  3. Soul
    leave your body behind by uploading your mind onto a computer.

  4. Legacy
    live on through the echo you leave in the world.

The feature of death is Natural but not Rational
Death is nothing to us
When we are here, death is not.
When death is here, we are gone.
Greek Philosopher Epicurus

Death is not an event in life.
we do not live to experience death.
Ludwing Wittgenstein

TED Talk - The 4 stories we tell ourselves about death by Stephen Cave