Timing is everything if you are really serious about getting more done every day

“Generally, people are most productive in the morning.
The two hours after becoming fully awake are likely to be the best.”

Start your day with a full tank

It pays to take time away from work every day by fully unplugging in the evenings,
and get a solid 8 or 9 hours of sleep.

Separate your “today” list from your “master” list

Commit about 20 minutes to write down at most five things you want to achieve the next day.

Manage your energy, not your time

Breaks your work into manageable tasks,
and force yourself to single task on purpose within specific times.
And plan breaks on purpose.

Build a “getting ready to work” routine

Build a routine that tells your brain and body it’s time to work.

Break up your work hours and take breaks

longer sessions of productive work, followed by short breaks of 15 minutes or so,
sync with our own natural cycles.

Create a forced deadline

having a limited amount of time actually does increase the speed of your work.
If you’re working on a tight deadline, great
If you’re not, think of ways to set one for yourself. Set timer if it helps.

Medium - How to Get More Work Done in a Day